DFRobotShop Rover V2 - Arduino Compatible Tracked Robot (Bluetooth Kit)

RobotShopSKU: RB-Rbo-41
Manufacturer #: RB-Rbo-41

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Sale price $157.50

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Included in this bundle


  • Bluetooth version of the DFRobotShop Rover
  • Versatile, programmable robot tank kit
  • Onboard LiPo battery charger
  • Complete Arduino board built-in (Arduino Uno)
  • Dual H-bridge and onboard voltage regulator (only one battery needed)
  • Compatible with a variety of shields
  • 1x Bluetooth module included
  • Onboard charger and included
  • XBee headers (sold separately) need to be soldered
  • Please verify the polarity of the connector before using this battery as it may differ from the image

The DFRobotShop Rover V2 – Arduino Compatible Tracked Robot (Bluetooth Kit) is a versatile mobile robot tank based on the popular Arduino Uno R3 USB Microcontroller microcontroller. The Rover uses the popular Tamiya twin motor gearbox and the Tamiya track and wheel set. The DFRobotShop Rover PCB incorporates a standard Arduino Uno (surface mount ATMega328), L293B motor driver (connected to pins 5 to 8), voltage regulator and prototyping area while contributing to the mechanical structural of the robot. The onboard voltage regulator allows the entire board to be powered using as little as 3.7V to ~9V*

The DFRobotShop Rover Bluetooth kit includes everything in the DFRobotShop Rover Basic Kit as well as :
1x Bluetooth module (for the robot)
1x 3.7V LiPo battery
1x USB cable

Important Notes:

1) If you are using the 4xAA battery pack, please remove the jumper located at the left rear of the board.

2) This kit requires that you solder XBee headers to the board (solder to position XBEE2). If you do NOT want to solder, please purchase one of the following shields: DFRobot I / O Expansion Board for Arduino v5; DFRobot XBee Expansion Board (no XBee) ;   or other shield with XBee headers.

In order to make assembly as easy as possible, solderless quick connect terminals have been included to give customers the option of crimping the wires to the motors (soldering is still preferable). The DFRobotShop Rover is compatible with a variety of shields when used at the same time as the motor driver, and is compatible with all shiels when not using the motor driver. Additional features include 2x encoder connectors connected to A0 and A1 for use with the Encoder Pair for Tamiya Twin Motor Gearbox , pinout for DFRobot Bluetooth and DFRobot APC220 RF modules as well as 6x cool blue LEDs (jumper selectable) placed around the board.

*Note that the Tamiya Twin-Motor Gear Box included with the kit operates at 4.5V For 6V motors purchase 2x RB-Pol-202.

DFRobotShop Rover V2 - Arduino Compatible Tracked Robot (Bluetooth Kit)

Arduino compatible and shield stackable
Based on ATMEGA328 surface mount chip (Uno design) and L298P H Bridge
Incorporates dual H-bridge for bi-directional motor control (digital pins 5, 6, 7 and 8)
Voltage regulator included (connected to battery input and 3.5mm barrel connector)
Two XBee headers with breakout pins (switch selects which is connected to Tx/Rx)
Solder prototyping area
Easy connection to DFRobot Bluetooth and APC220 wireless modules
“Universal connection point” at the front of the robot (see specifications for compatibility)
6x Blue LEDs around the board for effect (selectable via jumper LED_SEL)
In-system programming via ICSP
4x LEDs to indicate motor direction

  • 1x Fully-assembled DFRobotShop Rover PCB
  • 1x DFRobotShop Rover aluminum frame (left and right sides) and hardware
  • 1x Tamiya Twin-Motor Gear Box
  • 1x Tamiya Track and Wheel Set
  • 4x AA Battery holder
  • 1x DFRobot Bluetooth module
  • 1x Lithium Polymer Battery Cell - 3.7V 2000 mAh
  • 1x USB cable


  • PCB Dimensions: 57 x 195 mm
  • Overall dimensions: 200 x 108 x 58 mm (L x W x H)

  • Weight (not including batteries): 250g

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Tellement éducatif et amusant

Tout d’abord, avant d’acheter ce robot, vous disposez d’une expérience de base en programmation de logiciels Ardiuno tels que serialWrite, serialRead et la définition de broches comme entrées et sorties. Si vous ne le savez pas, je vous recommande vivement le cours d'apprentissage de base Arduino. Le robot DF sera une excellente continuation, éducatif et très amusant. Avait suivi les instructions de montage de youTube. Je recommande fortement de souder les fils sur le câble et de veiller à ce qu'ils atteignent facilement les moteurs. Le module WIFI était tellement amusant de voir le petit garçon courir sans attache. J'ai appris différentes abréviations de connexions telles que RTX, TXD et 3V3. Vous allez beaucoup apprendre à travailler avec ce bébé. Une chose à faire est de lui donner un nom. Je nomme neuf bob, une déviation pour Robbie. (nous devrions tous nous souvenir de Robby le robot). Les projets futurs incluent la mise à niveau des moteurs à des moteurs de 6 volts, l’ajout d’un mécanisme de capteur et éventuellement d’un système de vision. C’est un bon début, je prévois d’utiliser de plus grandes plates-formes et du matériel plus robuste, mais comme je l’ai déjà dit, le robot DF est un bon début et il est tellement amusant d’apprendre, d’expérimenter et de regarder le petit gars partir, Merci Robot Shop

So educational and fun

First of all, before you buy this robot have soe basic experience with programming Ardiuno software such as serialWrite, serialRead and defining pins as inputs and outputs. If you don't know this I highly recommend the Basic Arduino learning course. The DF-Robot will be a fine continuation, educational and a lot of fun. Had following the youTube assembly instructions. I highly recommend soldering the wires on the cable and making sure they reach with motors comfortably. The WIFI module was so much fun seeing the little guy run without a tether. Learned different connections abbreviations such as RTX, TXD and 3V3. You are going to learn a lot working with this baby. One thing you got to do is give it a name. I'm naming nine bob, a deviation for Robbie. (we should all remember Robby the Robot) . Future plans include upgrading the motors to 6 volt motors, adding a sensor mechanism and possibly a vision systems. This is a good start I plan on going to bigger platforms and more heavy duty hardware but as I said before the DF-Robot is a good start and so much fun to learn, experiment and watch the little guy go, Thank you Robot Shop

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