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Ranges from 25 cm to 765 cm
Serial (0-Vcc), Analog voltage or pulse width interfaces
1 cm resolution
Weather Resistant, meets IP67 standards
Dimensions (mm): 43.8 (diameter) x 69.7 (long)
The Maxbotix XL-MaxSonar-WR Weather Resistant Ultrasonic Range Finder is a super high performance low-voltage weather-resistant (IP67 rated) ultrasonic range finder with high power output, noise rejection, auto calibration and long-range narrow detection zone.
The XL-MaxSonar-WR sensor provides very short to long-range detection and ranging, in a compact, robust PVC housing, designed to meet IP67 water intrusion, and matches standard electrical 3/4" PCV pipe fittings. The sensor puts 1/2 watt of peak power into the efficient transformer driving the transducer, yielding high output acoustic power. This acoustic power combined with continuously variable gain, real-time waveform signature analysis, and real-time noise rejection algorithms result in virtually noise free distance readings for most users. This holds true even in the presence of many of the various acoustic or electrical noise sources. The XL-MaxSonar-WR1T detects objects from 0-cm to 765-cm (25.1-feet) and provides sonar range information from 25-cm out to 765-cm with 1-cm resolution. Objects from 0-cm to 25-cm range as 25-cm. The interface output formats included are pulse width output, analog voltage output, and serial digital output.
Compact weather resistant and robust PVC housing
Meets IP67 and matches standard ¾" PVC pipe fittings
Low power consumption
Superior beam shape
Stable range readings
No central blind spot
Mounting hardware available ({widget type="catalog/product_widget_link" template="catalog/product/widget/link/link_inline.phtml" id_path="product/267"})
Detects objects from 0-cm to 765-cm
Provides range of objects from 25-cm out to 765-cm
Bought four of these sensors to be used with other sensors for detection of obstacles for an autonomous snow plow. They work well and the datasheet provides good clear instruction on how to wire them together to avoid false positives/errors in the readings. Would definitely recommend
Fonctionne bien et conçu pour des usages multiples
Nous avons acheté quatre de ces capteurs à utiliser avec d'autres capteurs pour la détection d'obstacles pour un chasse-neige autonome. Ils fonctionnent bien et la fiche technique fournit des instructions claires sur la manière de les relier pour éviter les faux positifs / erreurs dans les lectures. Je recommanderais certainement