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Cytron Advanced Auto-Calibrating Line Sensor Array
Extendable eternal LCD Display
Power: 12V
8 digital outputs representing the output of 8 IR sensor
Three Different output modes (digital output port, UART output port, analog output port)
The Cytron Advanced Auto-Calibrating Line Sensor Array is super easy to use. Consists of 8 IR transmitter and IR receiver pairs which is typically used for embedded systems or robots for line-following tasks. As an advanced line following a sensor bar, LSA08 has several different output modes, for the convenience of use for any system. Namely, the digital output port (8 parallel output lines), the serial communication port (UART), and the analog output port. The manual mode and select button are used to choose different modes and settings for LSA08.
Select the Mode button for the LSA08 mode setting
LCD Display
Note: The red color is very bright to the IR sensor, thus LSA08 has difficulties in red - white pair color line follow.