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Closer Pets Replacement Filter Cartridges for Pet Fountains
Comes in a pack of 6
Polymer-carbon filter cartridges
Optimized for water purification and flow performance
The Replacement Filter Cartridges for Pet Fountains offer a pack of 6 polymer-carbon filter cartridges, optimized for water purification and flow performance.
6 x Replacement Filter Cartridges for Pet Fountains
It's not easy to get these filters for our Catmate water fountain. Amazon has them, but we prefer not to patronize Amazon, so I was very happy to find them at RobotShop. The price is reasonable, too.
Heureux de trouver des filtres Catmate
Il n'est pas facile d'obtenir ces filtres pour notre fontaine à eau Catmate. Amazon les a, mais nous préférons ne pas fréquenter Amazon, donc j'étais très heureux de les trouver chez RobotShop. Le prix est également raisonnable.