- 2+ HRS flight time
- Large cruise window and payload capacity
- Wide flight envelope
- Sleek streamline appearance
- Rapid assembly and disassembly
Verify your country's laws and regulations for Drone and Unmanned Aircrafts use. Registration of Unmanned Aircrafts is made mandatory in many countries and you are responsible to verify and to comply these regulations.
The Albatross MAX Plane Deluxe Kit includes all components from the UAV package but with the added functionality of live analog video transmission. This enables the Albatross not only to fly, take off and land autonomously, but it also gives you the ability to view the ground below or have a cockpit perspective in great detail with no delay.

Fully composite airframe, carbon fiber landing gear, carbon fiber shelving, increased use of carbon fiber in structural areas, carbon fiber wing spars, wheels, steerable nose gear and heavy duty hardware for assembly.

- Maximum takeoff weight (MTOW) is rated to 10 Kg (22.2 lbs)
- Self-cooling fuselage
- Entirely electric system
- Optimized foil & forward swept planform designed to ensure low stall speeds, high max efficiency and a large cruise window
- Aspect ratio of 13.6 allows custom in house wing foil selection to be tailored for a wider flight envelope
- Drooped style tips reduce drag via the reduction of tip vortices , as well as decrease aileron effectiveness at near-stall condition
The trapezoidal shape of the fuselage minimizes the fuselage to wing interaction, drag and interference. It was designed with a high pressure region in the nose and a low pressure region behind the wing, on top and below the motor mounting area. This acts to create a pressure differential, essentially "pulling" air through the fuselage. The layout allows for smarter cooling, by cooling off lower temperature components towards the front, and higher temperature components in the rear (motor). The cooling exhaust placement was purposely in an area with turbulent airflow, so as to not disturb the otherwise laminar airflow over the rest of the fuselage.
- Inverted V design improves efficiency while decreasing drag
- V shape is naturally more stable in banked and coordinated turns and allows for a twin tail boom design and large diameter prop
You can use the Albatross for search and rescue missions, inspections of pipelines, photography, filmmaking, thermal imaging, 3D terrain mapping, precision agriculture, surveillance, reconnaissance, FPV, live video links, humanitarian aid, fun and much, much more.

The Albatross is nearly silent, can fly for over 2 hrs, reach speeds of up to 90 MPH and travel for over 100 miles. The modified Albatross kits allow you to fly autonomously, capture stunning HD photos and video, complete aerial surveys, monitor crop health, and wirelessly transmit live video. This is all done with incredible accuracy thanks to an onboard lidar system.
Scorpion Systems Motor
Motor offers unbelievable power and reliability. Albatross kits & RTF models come with a Castle Creations electronic speed controller (esc). More specifically, the Edge 100, with its 100-amperage continuous draw ability and logging capability. Included is the Castle Creations built (Battery Eliminator Circuit) BEC pro which can provide up to 20 amps output to power necessary onboard systems.

Hitec is among the most reliable servo manufacturers around today. APC Propellers are widely available and easily changeable. PX4 PIXHAWK is the brain of the aircraft for computer controlled flight and autonomous operation. This system is on the cutting edge of autonomous flight control & stabilization
Telemetry Unit
Telemetry unit allows you to communicate with your Albatross, alter autonomous flight paths, initiate landings, etc. All is done in real time from your ground station. This unit gives an approximate range of ~1 mile. It is interchangeable with long-range alternatives.

Video Transmitter, Antenna and Camera
A long range video transmitter and receiver are included with a high resolution (600 TVL) camera. Additionally, we provide top quality circularly polarized antennas for both the transmitter and receiver.