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Motor mounted on the inner gimbal
Slip ring unit pivotally connected
Outer gimbal having a longitudinal axis
Inner gimbal pivotally supported by the outer gimbal coaxially
Rated for 1.5A
A gimbal assembly comprising, an outer gimbal having a longitudinal axis, an inner gimbal pivotally supported by the outer gimbal coaxially therewith, a motor mounted on the inner gimbal with the motor having motor leads, a pivot unit pivotally connecting the inner gimbal to the outer gimbal coaxially therewith at one end thereof, and a slip ring unit pivotally connecting the inner gimbal to the outer gimbal coaxially therewith at the other end thereof with the slip ring unit being connected to the motor leads.
I use this product in a project to transmite power in a rotation platform. A good tip: I need good power to transmite up to 8 Amps. So I use 4 wires together to transmite them, So 8Amps divived by 4 wires. Perfect!!!
Bonne option pour les projets de rotation
J'utilise ce produit dans un projet pour transmettre de l'énergie dans une plateforme en rotation. Un bon conseil: j'ai besoin d'une bonne puissance pour transmettre jusqu'à 8 ampères. J'utilise donc 4 fils ensemble pour les transmettre, donc 8Amps divisés par 4 fils Parfait!!!